I. Free Scenic Spots:

Atral Residence of LuXun, Sanwei Study, Former Residence of Lu Xun (including Baicao Garden and Garden of Folk Customs in Lu Xun’s Works”,Lu XunMemorial Hall.

II. Free opening hours: from 8:30am -5:00pm

III. How to visit


1.Swipe your 2G ID card at the entrance to access freely to Sanwei Study, Former Residence of Lu Xun and Ancestral Residence of Lu Xun and other scenic spots. One ID card can carry 2 under age children. To facilitate tourists, the entrance of Ancestral Residence of Lu Xun was relocated to the tourist center. You may directly swipe IDcardtoenter fromthe tourist center. GIT visit is the same as that of the FIT.

2.Student Group

Student group may exchangefor“student collective visit ticket”by presenting the Letter of Referencefrom School at No.1Window. To avoid simultaneous visiting withstudent groups ofother schools, please make reservation in advance by 0575-85132080.

IV. Limit on Bearing Capacity of the Scenic Area

Lu Xun Native Place determinesand calculatesthe instantaneous maximum bearing capacity of each scenic spot based on the characteristicsin openingand tourist reception of the scenic area in ordinary year. The maximum bearing capacity of Former Residence of LuXun, Ancestral Residence of Lu Xun, Sanwei Study, Lu Xun Life Stories Exhibition Hall and Lu Xun Native Place Historic Street (from Zhongxing Intersection in the east to Xinjian Road Intersection in the west) is 2000 person times, 405 person times, 395 person times, 1530 person times and 2500 person times respectively. Tourists may avoid the peak hour according to the real time datadisplayon the electronic screen of each scenic spot.

